Welcome to the Alumni Community!

  • Check out the Matador Capers!

    Mira Loma’s Student-Run Newspaper was called the Matador Capers. MLAF has archived decades of Capers, scanning them and making them available to you to explore and enjoy (archives are added regularly to this page)!

  • Is this year YOUR year?

    Part of MLAF’s mission statement is to help connect Matadors with their community and there is no better way to do that than to help connection people with their reunions! We update our reunion page to keep you informed!

  • Read The Alumni Capers!

    Read The Alumni Capers!

    MLAF interviews coaches, retired principles, Reunion attendees, influecial alumni and more to bring you Matador History, share Mira Loma Lore and give you insight or background for some of the most famous, natorious and over all enjoyable moments connected to Mira Loma!

  • Prisms Magazine

    Prisms Magazine are here!

    Finally, after a long wait we have begun uploading our collection of Prisms Magazines. The Prisms Magazine is MLHS's award winning literary magazine, written and published entirely by students. For decades MLHS (and including this year) has publiched this creative collection and continues to win awards for their work! Enjoy!

  • Mini-Grant Program

    Help Support MLHS Students

    Want to see whats happening in the classrooms? Thanks to our Alumni Community, MLAF awards grants in the form of classroom supplies, team equipment, and hard-to-get items that make lessons, events, game and clubs better. Check out what we’ve been able to do over the last school years!

  • Facebook

    Follow us on Facebook !

    There is always SO MUCH happening within our Matador Community and at MIra Loma today! On our Facebook page we post memories from the archives, share reunion plans, pictures of current school events, games and more. We promise you’ll enoy following us. Visit our Facebook Page to become apart of our online community!